It's going to be a beautiful forecast for Earth Day! Get outside and enjoy this nice weather while helping the
environment. Here are some helpful tips on how you can recycle and make better
environmental choices.
Remember the 3 R’s: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.**When you cut your grass, allow the clippings to stay on the lawn. The cut grass will decompose and return to the soil naturally.
**Proper maintenance reduces waste. Keep appliances in good working order by maintaining and repairing them.
**Reuse certain produce to reducing waste. Give pet hamsters or gerbils cardboard toilet paper holders to play with. Use an egg carton to plant seedlings.
**Take reusable bags on shopping trips. Keep them in your car or near your door to remember. You can also reuse paper or plastic shopping bags.
**Don’t fertilize before a rain storm. Your fertilizer - along with your money - washes down storm drains and can pollute rivers and bays.
**When properly composted, kitchen wastes can become natural soil additives for lawns, gardens, and even house plants.
**Before you go, unplug your VCR or other electronics that use electricity even when "off."
Make Good Environmental Choices!**During the summer months, always apply sun block SPF 15 or more to protect your skin from solar UV radiation.
**Be extra aware of conditions where older people live. As we age, our bodies become more sensitive to chemicals and environmental conditions.
**Use pesticides safely, whether at home or in the field. Always follow the instructions on the can or container label.
**During hot weather, don't top off your gas tank. Even a small gas spill adds to air pollution and wastes fuel.
**You can reduce polluted storm water runoff -- simply pick up your pet’s waste; don't leave it to wash away after a rain.
**Celebrate Earth Day! Exercising outdoors? Use your local air quality forecast to help plan the best time for a workout or run.
**On unhealthy air pollution "action alert" days, wait to mow your lawn until it's cooler in the evening or early the next morning.
**Protect children from poisoning by household chemicals such as bug spray. Lock pesticides and chemicals safely away from children.