Sunday, September 30, 2007

Feathered Attraction

As we transition to fall, migrant birds are headed south, and residents of the Southeast U.S. are likely to see a variety of small birds in their yards, including warblers and hummingbirds. This is also a great time of year to see wading birds, waterfowl, and raptors passing through, many of whom may stop off in yards to rest and "refuel.

Nice weather offers the ideal opportunity to get outside and fix-up your yard for feathered friends. Because September weather can still be hot and dry, birds will be looking for a fresh source of water for drinking and bathing. Water in birdbaths should be no more than two-inches deep, which will allow birds to stand. This is also a great time to add a new feeder (or two!) to your yard - offering a variety of seeds, fruits, and nuts will attract many birds for you to enjoy. The Northern Flicker (also called the Yellowhammer), Alabama's state bird and a common resident, will enjoy hulled sunflower seeds and suet.

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