Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Earth Gauge: The Small Stuff

You’ve programmed the thermostat, turned down the temperature, and put on a sweater to save energy and money on heating. But are you still looking for ways to save this winter season?

Viewer Tip: Sometimes, it pays to sweat the small stuff! Try these easy and inexpensive tips to save a few watts (and dollars) on your next energy bill.

Power down: If you won’t be using your personal computer for more than 20 minutes, turn off the monitor; more than two hours, turn off the computer and monitor. Or, enable the “sleep” mode on your computer, which can use up to 70 percent less energy than a computer without sleep mode.

Hit the lights: If Alabama residents replace only the four most-used incandescent (traditional) light bulbs in their homes with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs), they’ll save up to 110 dollars over the lifetime of the CFL bulbs.

Unplug: Many home electronics draw small amounts electricity when they are plugged-in, but not in use. Unplug TVs, VCRs, DVD players, stereos, kitchen appliances, phone chargers, and other “energy vampires,” or use a power strip to cut electricity when these items aren’t in use.

(Sources: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. “When to Turn Off Personal Computers.” and “Home Office and Home Electronics.”; The Alliance to Save Energy. “Alabama Energy Costs to Jump this Winter: Energy and Money Saving Tips for Consumers.”

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